The Negative Stage. a tale to help you dealing with this hard stage.


The character I talked you about few days ago is the main character of a tale called 'No!'.  It is a friendly rhinoceros that everyone loves for being so tender and nice.
Arcie p1

The name of this cheerful rhino depends on the version of the book, in Spanish it's called Rhino, I've also seen a version in which it's called Otto but we have the English version and it's called Archie, so let's call him Archie! :)

One day, Archie discovers the word "No" and decides that it is his new favorite word. Everyone is surprised and Archie begins to use it for almost everything: for getting dressed, sharing, putting the jacket on, etc.

Until he realizes that using the word begins to be a problem.

Archie p2

Archie p3
I don't remember where I exactly bought this book, whether at La Casa del Libro or at Fnac, but just when I saw it I couldn't stand  buying it, it was perfect for the tantrums of our little.

The first day we read it before sleeping, I found that he felt identifed with the character. His facial expression wasn't the same he used to show with other books, he started making questions like, why does he say 'no'?, are daddy and mommy sad?, are friends going to play with him when he sais 'yes'?. He wanted to read it again, he even wanted to sleep with it. We had a nice conversation hugiging each other while his face started changing from sort of sad to happy when I was telling him that he also was able to use the word 'Yes' and feel better.

Archie frontpage
Archie back

You can buy this book through Internet. I found it in several languages in the webpage of Amazon.

I would like to know your experiences when you read this book with your children. I'm pretty sure they won't stay undifferent.

Good night,

Title: NO!
Topic: The emotions. The negative stage.
Publisher: Little Tiger Press
Authors: Tracey Corderoy & Tim Warnes
Recommended age: Although it is recommended from 3 years, I think that it's also a good idea reading it from 2 years as it's easy and very expressive.

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